Monday, 30 September 2013

For the Little Chef(s) in my Life!

I'm so excited about this post!! While the tap is still missing for this awesome project (still on the hunt for a free or nearly free one!) I can't wait any longer to show you!!

I already posted a photo of it to my personal Facebook, and I can't wait to share with Pinterest, as well as e-mail Amy from Giggleberry Creations!!

How our $20 used TV unit (thanks to a man on Kijiji!!) started out.

Our Giggleberry Creations inspiration kitchen.

Here is where we left off.

The finished product!! I am so excited about this and so crazy proud of this little kitchen. I hope I've built it well enough to stand the test of time (and multiple kids)!

Soon after the doors were on I realized chains on the doors was a must have! BIG C got a little rough with them really fast! Same goes for the microwave, although not a chain but a door stop to keep BIG C from pushing the door all the way in and popping the hinges off (nothing a little crazy glue can't help!)

I found this awesome apron on a whim at Talize, a used thrift store in London. There were some really adorable frilly ones (which would not get Daddy approval), luckily I found one fit for the boys. I even found a really cute mini Kids Corner Home Depot for the boy's little tikes work bench.

The knobs really turn! The burners are just made out of painted foam circles. On GiggleBerry Creations they used coasters.


I was going to use a photo of our corn field for the 'window' but I couldn't help but use this photo of our little guys. We should've had twins! I love dressing them in matching outfits!

This is BIG C's stash in his 'fridge'. the fruits and veggies are plush toys from IKEA, if memory serves me correctly each set was less than $10. I am so looking forward to 'furnishing' the rest of their kitchen with IKEA goodies! They have a really cute mini set of pots and pans and a plush filleted fish.

I hope you all enjoyed my craftiness, and I really hope it inspires you all to find an old TV unit of yourselves!

Thanks for checking it out!

Until we meet again.

Friday, 27 September 2013

How clean are you clothes?

Mine are not! They seem to be coming out dirtier then they go in on occasion lately.
So this is my attempt at cleaning my fancy top load washing machine. No high efficiency here folks!

Check out One Good Thing blog by Jillee for the post I followed to clean this baby up.

I'm going to start by showing off my favourite part of my laundry room - The chandelier!! Probably my favourite thing in almost our whole house. Makes my 'work' room a little more fun!

So I started by filling the washer with hot hot water, and the largest load and adding 4 cups of bleach to it. let it sit for an hour then run it on the longest cycle.

Easy so far right? (so easy I tried on some new purchases and took some pictures to decide which I liked best!)

Now fill the washer again with hot hot water and add 4 cups of vinegar. Again let it sit for an hour. While its sitting take a scrub brush and a rag and get in all those nooks and crannies, the knobs, the doors, sides and fronts. Make sure to clean in under and around the dispensers as well - I only have a bleach dispenser on this machine, no fabric softener dispenser, but Jillee mentions this can get really slimy and grimy. Then finish by running the longest cycle. DONE! Easy right?

Now that my washer was SOO shiny *ding* I couldn't leave the dryer! so I cleaned its outside too before I ran the last cycle. *double ding*

I have so much laundry that needs doing, but I don't want to abuse these babies and make 'em dirty again! *sigh* that's how she goes! Cleaning the a cleaning machine seems sooo silly, but take a look a the difference in the water! YUCK! No wonder the clothes weren't bright & white.


I'm off to toddle after my toddler who if babbling away about school buses he watching out the window after his nap - I LOVE when he wakes up in a good mood :)

Until we meet again.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Mommy Day

Yesterday my dear friend, V, had asked me for a girls day.

Immediately when she asked I said 'Yes! hat would be awesome!!' As Mommies we know we have to take our days 'off' when we can get them.

BIG C had daycare, so I quickly rounded up a babysitter Oma to take Little C. I love grandparents, they are an amazing asset in our lives!

V took me to London, our first stop was Talize a really awesome thrift store, where we found a super cute peacock costume (originally from Old Navy) for Mr. E! (V sent me a picture at night - so stinkin' cute!!)
After that we headed to our lunch date. V picked an amazing place called Aroma. It was a gorgeous place and the food was amazing!!
We had a long lunch with a great chat. So what I needed! V is so thoughtful, she wanted to have a girls day mostly for me, to get out of the house, do un-mommy things and get to talk about dad a bit. I am so blessed to have amazing friends! Lunch was even her treat (thanks again!!).

Blessed blessed blessed.

We can't wait to go back to Aroma with our whole group of friends to try the Chef's Club - bring your friends and cook your own meal in teams, competing and playing trivia!

So I'm headed to tell friends about our Christmas event now - and I CAN'T wait to blog about it!!

Until we meet again.

Monday, 23 September 2013

1..2...3..yes! All 10 digits are still here!

So, those of you who saw my blog post yesterday heard of our shaky play kitchen beginnings.

Well here is how we left off...

Old TV Unit with one added vertical board

Our terrible un-square microwave

Don't let your hubbies convince you to use anything BUT a table saw!! A miss-shaped, cracked, holey mess will ensue! (PS thanks honey :) )
So today was a new day. Ventured off to the local Canadian Tire to hopefully find the hinges I was looking for (no luck), but I'll have to make due. Got some extra nails and we're off tot he races.
Both boys had a great nap today, plus Hubby was there to get them when the woke.
After I got him to haul the table saw out of the basement, I set to work. I couldn't put this kitchen together hap-hazardly, it would be part of our family for years (and what would my mother say!).
There are no photos of the sawing (good thing! We are missing the pusher piece and were using scrap wood - DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME - use ALL safety equipment!) but we still have all 10 digits, both Hubby and I. After a short while, an making one cut that was intended to be a sliver but turned into inch or more, I graciously let Hubby return to his football game. I think I've got it from here.
The poor guy means well, but he's just to ram-y for my picky liking! Whatever he fixes in the barn may not look pretty, but it holds & works well, I'm afraid that won't do in my house though!
So I cut, glued, nailed, cut some more, and painted painted painted. Here are my end results today.

I am realizing this now looks like I have been painting all day with Little C in the same room - Let it be known this was not the case!
I used this wonderful paint:
My Mom was the one who introduced me to chalk paint - while not the cheapest paint around, and not widely sold, it really is amazing and worth the coin! So easy to work with and BEST of all, NO prep work! Open the can & paint!
Oh! Just so no one thinks that 'old' crooked microwave has gone to waste, no sir! BIG C has been using it as a shed for his horses and cows, bringing them corn (fresh from the field) to eat. Waste not, want not!
So, tomorrow BIG C is off to H's place for the day - here's hoping I can completely (or nearly completely) accomplish this kitchen! I will leave you with this - because the colours this time of year are beautiful and I love my guys!
Until we meet again!

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Crooked crafter

Today was a wild one!
The international plowing match (IPM) was cancelled due to torrential downpour (I have heard this is the first time in decades!!). 

We were fully prepared to strap on our boots and unfold our umbrellas, but I wasn't completely disappointed to not have to spend the day dragging kids from booth to booth - oh wait we did that anyways. 

I really want to build BIG C a play kitchen like I found online (through Pinterest) on a lovely blog called Giggleberry Creations.  

So we headed to Home Depot (you know 'you can do it, we can help' but even if we can't we'll sell you the stuff anyways!! - courtesy of Graham Chittenden, comedian, which we happened to see live in December 2012 and catch again n TV this morning!)

After a couple minor meltdowns we headed out the door with supplies in hand. 

I took all the measurements this evening and tried to help Hubby cut them. I can tell he's a bit annoyed. Why not just buy a used little tykes kitchen and be done with it.
It's just not the same as 'home made'. No WOW factor!

Although homemade in this case, I found after being assembling the microwave, it's awfully crooked and a bit miss-shapen. 

I shall post some pictures of our progress in a later blog post (assuming we get it all finish!! and that I don't end up giving up!!)

Good night all!!

Until we meet again

Monday, 16 September 2013

Fighting frustration


One of those days. We had a blow up again. 
Well I did, while hubby stayed practically silent with the occasional un-huh, ok, and I know. 

He drives me crazy. I just want him to yell, scream, cry do anything to show that he is passionate about our argument, our life, US!!

Nothing. I know he cares. I know he is upset inside, somewhere really deep down. It's just drives me crazy that he won't show it. 

I feel like its me, having an argument with me. The same one all the time. We never progress brava use I'm the only one communicating. Maybe a little too loudly. 

I want a quick fix. There isn't one for our situation though, which in turns makes me more upset. 

In this moment I want to put a for sale sign on our farm, buy a nice simple home in he country, put the kids in daycare, and both of us head off to work. 

Wouldn't that solve everything? Little bit of money saved away, no 'career' on the side to come home to, we could leave work at work. Free weekends, holidays (actually take holidays), not have to worry about all the added bills and stress. Problem solved. 

No, because then hubby would be miserable. Silently miserable. 

*sigh* we'll just keep chugging forward, one step at a time. 

There is a popular song right now that sing 'wake me up when it's all over, when I'm wiser and I'm older' how I wish this was an option!! Although we'd miss out on our children's golden years. 

On a side note, BIG C and I found a cucumber on our plant today!! yum!

Eating straight off he plant. Delicious. 

On that note,
Until we meet again. 

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Gear down, gear down!!

Today was a cloudy, cold, would be glum day. The kind you would curl up under a blanket on the couch with some hot chocolate and warm ooey gooey comfort food!

Not today!! Today I had already planned to meet up with some girlfriends, one of their hubbies and mom for a bike ride in Woodstock. 
It was the perfect day for a ride!! 

I only brought BIG C with me today, normally I take both boys everywhere with me, because I'm their mom and because I love to show those cute stinkers off!! :)

We had to buy a new helmet for BIG C first, there was no cramming that old helmet on for even another day. It was officially too small! He got to pick his own, he picked the shark crossed raptor helmet!

There were SO MANY to choose from at Canadian Tire, but he was adamant that this was the best one! Hope Little C thinks so too, 'cause it'll be his one day!

We finally met up with the rest of the gang and headed off. It's a darn good thing I only had BIG C sitting on the back of the bike and not either of boys in the trailer!! We would have been much too wide for some of the trail, the gateways to parts of the trails, and even one of the bridges!
We biked a total of 17 km today, and only had one minor incident, almost 2. BIG C and I couldn't quite make it up one of the hills even after gearing down and nearly fell over. Then while 'parking' the bikes for lunch I misjudged my step getting off and the bike, BIG C, and myself all came crashing down. Luckily BIC C was crying more for fear than pain!
We stopped for some really yummy lunch at Sally Creek Bistro.
(Clearly a photo from elsewhere on the Internet at there is snow and Christmas decorations!
I had the Crispy Chicken wrap - soo delicious!
There is no kids menu offered and they had to go looking for a booster for us, but considering they don't usually serve kids they were very accommodating!
I definitely want to go back some Sunday and enjoy their all day breakfast, I was just really feeling lunch today after a decent workout!
Here are some fun photos after our day courtesy of my good friend Orsolya from Orsolya Gyorgy Photography.

That was our Sunday, how did you spend yours?

Until we meet again. 

Friday, 13 September 2013

Flashback Friday

Today I am having such flashbacks today from highschool  - and its been (eeep) about 8 years! Gosh that happened fast.

Today I remember two special people - well three but I don't remember V, she's a part of my every day life.

My grade 9 gym teacher Mrs. Standish. LOVED her. She was the first authority figure in my life who was really open and honest.
honest about our bodies, our self esteem, our experiences and so much more. There wasn't any question we couldn't ask.

After the first couple months she found girls at the school in general were being pretty rough on each other. Her solution? Sit in the circle and tell everyone our worst moments.

The circle was a private event, took 2-3 classes to accomplish, and the information we heard was not to be brought outside the circle. It was us so vulnerable to each other, made us see that Girl A might have better clothes/boyfriend/grades etc. than Girl B but we all have hardships too.

I balled for 2-3 days worth of classes. How can all these girls have gone through such hard times? we were only 14!!! Not only that, what was I going to say? At that point in my life my parents were together, no one had ever died, we had food on the table, clothes to wear, I was not adopted, no one I knew nor myself had ever had a serious disease. I had nothing. Oh wait when I was little I wet the bed - that compares to someone's mom dying right?

I was so embarrassed that wetting the bed was the only thing I could come up with that I said nothing. I said nothing, but I think I used a whole Kleenex box to myself.
I have never forgotten this.
Best. Teacher. Ever.

I also remember when K passed away in grade 12. I barely knew her, but I was hit so hard.
Life can just end.
Hers was the first funeral I ever attended. I had never even been to a visitation before.

V has such a wonderful heart. There is a legend that if you make 1000 cranes the person who is sick will get better. K was in a coma after her car accident so V started to make cranes.
I remember a teacher in elementary school reading this book to us. I loved the idea and the sentiment. I also wanted to be a part of something.

I thrive on being a part of things. I am a people pleaser. I LOVE comments and likes on Facebook and check out my blog stats daily! (There are people from all over the world checking my little Canadian blog! Russia, United States, Germany etc.!!! Thank you all!)

So we went class to class and taught everyone we could how to make cranes. We had big cranes, little cranes. Plain cranes and multi-coloured cranes.

K passed. We were so close to 1000. She was gone. We cried. Hard. Then we finished our remaining cranes.
We had a mass for her in the school gym (we were a catholic school) and displayed the cranes. If my memory serves me correctly they were hung in the chapel afterwards.

*Sigh* highschool, where I thought the road that was my life was bumpy. I had no idea what would be in store.
Thank God for, well, God, amazing friends, and wonderful family. <3

What are your most prominent highschool memories?

Until we meet again.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Where Farmers Meet

Today was the official anniversary of Dad's passing.

So what did we do? One of his most favourite things! Spent the day at Canada's Outdoor Farm Show in Woodstock! It was a beauty of a day, tiny bit of rain, but we hid in the EastGen dairy pavilion to visit the cows and get our free lunch to tickets from TD Canada trust at that point. Oh Boy was lunch yummy, tasty beef on a bun from Norpac, mmmm mmmm good. 

BIG C and Daddy were in their glory, checking out equipment, tractors and self-propelled sprayers too. Like kids in a candy store. 

We checked out the crops (soybeans and corn) at Dekalb (our preferred variety!), Pioneer (which Hubby hated to admit looked fairly good), NK, and Pride. 

It's a great day out and we get to meet up with plenty of other farm friends, but boy do I wish I wore my UP! band today! I bet we tracked A LOT of miles on these toesies!!

BIG C loved every minute of today (except the ones where we took him out/off equipment) and the van hadn't moved 2 feet before he was passed out!

Dad loved the farm show, he especially loved heckling any friendly face he saw - even so far as to 'fire' many of the people who work for the companies at the show for not working hard or doing their job :)

Such a joke-ster. I miss that a lot. 

Until we meet again. 

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

A day to remember

While there are millions of people remember the great tragedy and loss of those lives, mothers fathers brothers sisters aunt uncles husbands wives children (both born and those who are now angel babies) etc., we remembered another special life.

We called him Dad.

When the news got out

The search was over, our hopes were dashed.

I was surprisingly doing ok all day. I thought for sure I would be a wreck in Sarnia (Point Edward). Little did I know that all the comments of friends and family on the pictures I posted on Facebook would completely break me down. Its healthy, I know that, and of course I should be permitted to cry, I miss him terribly.

I read somewhere that the second year after a loss is the hardest, because the shock has worn off. Isn't that the truth!! (wish is now striking me like I've posted about this before!)
In the first year when I would visit Mom, it truly felt like dad was out in the barn or the field etc.

Alas, this is not the reality. The reality is that he really is gone. There are so many times where I think 'gosh I just wish I could ask him ___'.

If heaven weren't so far away...

So to remember him especially today we took balloons and placed flowers under the Bluewater bridge with some of mom's close friends. One of my closest friends T met us there since she works and lives in Sarnia.

Mom had BIG C let the balloons go and told him we were sending them up to Opa in heaven. Mom also wrote a note on the flowers we left behind.

We shared a nice lunch together on the water and BIG C played on the playground and chased the seagulls and Canadian geese around. He also wanted to pee on the rocks (let the boy do something once and he wants to do it everyday!) but Alas there was a police man on the boardwalk.
So many things were left unsaid, we didn't even get a chance to say good-bye.
I know we will be together again one day.
Until we meet again, Dad.


Monday, 9 September 2013

Generation Pinterest

Oh Pinterest, how I love you!!

You are filled with ideas, tasty and smart, crafts, funny pictures, kids games, cleaning tips, thrifty tips. You have it all!! Except that I still need to do it - is there an App for that?

It been a few months since I've been on Pinterest, probably even since before Little C was born (nearly 6 months now!! YIKES), but I've rediscovered it again. I was browsing my Kiddie-DIY-Craft board, there are so many fun things to do with the boys. We really should try more of them!

So here I vow, next bath-time we are using bath paints, the ones I found here!

Crafty Soccer Mom's Bath paints - I love the brightness!!

I feel like sometimes we Mommas can get a bit judge-y (more of ourselves than anything) if we're not filling our Pinterest boards with To-Dos. Be a better cook, have a cleaner house, DIY everything in sight, have genius children who love to craft and play with home-made toys. Its so exhausting - yet here I am pinning.

I used Pinterest to help plan our wedding, which for those friends who married before me find unfair! They feel entitled to a wedding do-over :)
Why not, I could go for another party! Just not another one like Saturday night  (The Dog that bit me!) I think I still felt the after effects of that one today!

Pinterest may be my demise, but until then come and check out my boards, or at least my board for the Kiddos.

Until we meet again.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

The dog that bit me

We were so privileged to get to celebrate the marriage of J and K yesterday. It was stunning. 

A beautiful setting on their farm, J looked just stunning in her gown. The bridesmaids and groomsmen walked down to A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. Such a beautiful song - watch it here

This song holds so much meaning, today for such a happy occasion, but it also brings me back to sweet A's memorial day. I had never really heard the song before, but watching the video tonight I have no doubt where V found it. She very much likes the twilight series, the video depicts a few of its scenes. Regardless where the song is from its beautiful and moving. 

Needless to say I was in tears before the ceremony even began! The wedding was filled with such joy and love and laughter too. It really was beautiful. Followed by such a gorgeous rustic setting, barn boards and chandeliers. Be still my heart. Breathtaking. 

Not only were the decorations beautiful, the food was amazing and plentiful, the speeches funny just the right length. Ad the drinks - oh so yummy. 
I had mentioned to H, J and K that I can't really remember having a night out since our own wedding, more than a year ago. H was practically appalled and was adamant that we have a good time tonight and Hubby take a turn at the wheel. Needless to say hubby was less than excited. As were my boobs - being apart from little C for the first time in nearly 6 months for an extended period did not make those TaTas happy in the least!!

BIG C helping Oma with chores on the farm. 

Regardless we celebrated, with far too much wine and a little beer and vodka too. How was my night? Great until I had to ask hubby to pull over. Twice! It's been years since I've been sick from drinking. The last time was in 2010 for G and K's buck and doe - from what my fuzzy memory can recall. 

Today I sure felt the pain of the alcohol aftermath, and what a mean dog she is!
Not as bad as I would have thought, but I didn't do much more than nap a little, drink water and veg out on the couch - which I feel pretty yucky for, especially since I got rained out of my entire run yesterday. 

I can safely say I won't be doing that again for a while! Which I'm sure Hubby appreciates :)
And J, your day was gorgeous!! May you and K have a wonderful honeymoon in Costa Rica, and many years of wedded bliss ahead!!

Until we meet again. 

Friday, 6 September 2013

Shameful jealousy

So brave. So strong. 
That's what we say about those who have lost and must face life again. 

Truer words cannot be spoken, although those who have lost know all to well that bravery and strength are no longer an option. These two qualities are clung onto to merely survive, one day at a time. 

I know this well. I am not unlike many others in this way. My own mother is so strong, I cannot imagine losing Hubby and having to face life again after the fact. Our dear friends, having lost their sweet A only a few short months ago, and now facing this new life full of grief. V recently started up her blog again. 

It began as a travel blog as they visited and worked abroad, turned pregnancy blog, turned grief outlet blog to remember and talk about sweet little A. 

I empathize with V and M, and I hurt for them. I hurt for myself as well. Their loss has brought so much back for me, perhaps I am only starting to really deal with all this grief I had tucked away in a box while I focused on BIG C growing. Mommy is always on the back burner you know. 

We have always been good friends, but I am redeeming myself lately as I was not a good friend during their pregnancy. I was jealous, so very jealous. I am so ashamed of myself, now even more so. I should have been there to share the good times, not step in again now that there are not bad, but hard times. I should have always been there. Reading her blog that she shared for the first time again in many many months is bringing it all back. 

A pang of resentment towards them. How silly, how insensitive. How can I resent my good friends who lost their baby while I chase 2 boys around?

Reading through her blog posts while she was pregnant though is difficult for me. They were so utterly happy and overjoyed to find out they would be adding to their family. They got to think of fun ways to tell people. Everyone was nothing short of ecstatic for them. For he first 20 weeks or so it was pure bliss. 

Us? We were so scared. What had we done. What were we bringing a baby into? We weren't ready! We weren't even married! We didn't have jobs! (Hubby owned a farm but as you may have read in earlier posts, they're no money maker) 
There was no excitement when we told our parents. Only fear that we were disappointing. 
We didn't get to tell our friends in fun ways. Only 'yes, the rumours are true' as everyone spread the news for us (few were the friends we got to personally tell), followed by (what they perceived as playful & joking) remarks throughout our pregnancy. 
We didn't get to frolic about our lives full of joy and planning, only fear of the vast unknown wondering how we would be able to afford things for our baby, even if only the bare necessities at best. (Thank goodness for the generous donations of second hand items from many friends and family!!! We are so very blessed!!)

Some of those remarks were so hurtful. I tried so hard to brush them off. To this day I'm sure they have no idea that I lie here writing this crying about all the things that were said. BIG C is my baby, our baby. He was inside me, his little heart beating, his legs kicking. Although we didn't mean to, we made him with love. I wish I could let those hurtful words go (although I don't remember them word for word, I remember the hurt) but they said them about our little baby, and for that I am still angry. 

I love V and M, and sweet A, but I am oh so jealous of the time they had with her, shamefully though, oh very shamefully. 

More than two years later and they are so very unaware to all this jealousy. My fault no doubt, as I brush everything off. 

So one day when I get the guts to share this blog with more than just strangers, if I haven't told you my true feelings already, I'm sorry you had to find out like this V & M. I'm sorry I couldn't be a better friend when you needed one. I'm sorry baby A isn't here. 

I'm sorry for needing our losses to bring us closer again. 
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending"

Until we meet again. 

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

From good to worse.

Kids     Money    Time    Marriage    Self

In one second I couldn't ask for better. Everything seems to be going right - but only for a second.

Then it's a whirlwind again. Baby still waking at night. Tired from being up, but so much to do (meals, clean kids, happy kids, clean house, bills paid, animals fed, exercise - is there a 30 hour day out there I haven't found yet?). So much to do, so very little time! Fighting - again - always about the same thing. Almost always. MY GOODNESS how money SCARES me!!!

Everything all wrapped up makes me proud of myself, mad at myself, sad about losses, happy about gains, angry about how hard it is to be in the healthy shape I would like to be (although I'm much closer than I've been in a very long time)

Our evening started SO good. Playing with the boys, dinner started (hubby even BBQing & I had dessert ready!), Little C down for a nap during dinner, everyone liking & eating dinner (WOAH!), BIG C watching a little bit of Wiggles while Hubby and I got a chance to really talk (no kids, phone, TV etc. interruptions) which instantly made me think of a blog post from where she talked about reconnecting with her husband everyday and becoming closer for it. We were on a roll tonight and it felt so good! Even got both boys to bed without any fight.

Then the call - Hubby talking to my FIL about all things farming - it's like a losing battle. Make a buck, only to have to spend two. I wish it wasn't so hard, but if it wasn't everyone would be doing it right?
There are so many people who say 'its only money'. Hubby is one of them, although he's not always the best with it or budgeting it. 'It will all be fine' these words come out of his mouth so often it scares me, these are famous last words, no?


Maybe it will be ok. Maybe it will all be fine. God, help me - us - I sure hope so. However, I don't trust what fate has in store - I want to have a guarantee it will be ok. This farming thing isn't helping, but it's all we've ever known.

I'm so scared. All the time. We're only in our mid-twenties, how are we ever going to make it out of this lifetime alive. I know that sounds so ridiculous, I hear myself, there are many other people out there with bigger problems, but these are mine, and I'm scared to death.

So, I will try to be brave. Try not to freak out. Try not to hyperventilate.
I will take a deep breath, go to sleep (until the babe wakes yet again), and try to get through tomorrow.

Breathe. In. Out. Repeat.

Until we meet again.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Family & Family "Vacations"


How else do you start a post after an exhausting week!!

At least the boys were both in bed by 8pm tonight, Hubby is off with the boys discussing where they will be hunting deer this year, and Mommy is cleaning the mountains of toys, clothes, and other stuff that appeared since we've been gone - errr I mean cozying up on the couch with homemade Mac N Cheese (leftovers) watching Mistresses on CTV with a French vanilla coffee and a little blogging :) C'est la vie, no?

Mistresses, if you haven't watched you're missing out!!! Such a guilty pleasure - I love it almost as much as Grey's (which means Hubby's Tosh.0 will be starting again soon too)!! Which thank goodness is almost back on!

I feel like I've totally earned this time on the couch to veg out, I mean time with family is great but I now feel like I need a vacation from our vacation!! I read an article about this a little while ago (I'd post a link but who knows where it was, a magazine, email or blog!) about how vacations with a spouse that are relaxing are good for you, but its important to vacation with your kids too (even if it feels FAR from a vacation) to create memories together.
And its so true, I love getting closer with Hubby's family, letting the kids get to know each other more, watching them play, taking photos while creating so many memories and even having a margarita or two! Although, again I say Oi! I need me a vacation from that vacation.

I'm so pooped from making sure the boys are clean, happy, nice, appropriate, fed, caring, sharing, and rested (HA!) 24/7 while constantly in the 'public eye'. Not only was there the boys, it was also that since we are not far from home (an hour away) and Hubby's brother B is sometimes (ahem) unreliable on weekends, Hubby also had to drive back and forth doing chores in the barns, leaving me to fend for myself. I realize I do this every day, but all you stay at home mommies (or any mom or dad) know that doing this in your own home in your own space is so much easier!

*Sigh* but we did all have fun, and BIG C, he had a BLAST with his second cousins and now has a new found love for bag pipers. Cousin B was so nice as to fuel this love by playing a few private shows for BIG C at the next door cottage. Needless to say he was in awe. I think we will have a standing appointment in Kincardine every Saturday night next summer to walk with the bag pipers! Maybe there is a kilt and set of pipes in his future?


I'm off for some Rest & Relaxation (after our R & R).
Hope you all enjoyed your long weekend and end of the summer.

Until we meet again.
(Bruce beach)

(Kincardine march of the bands)

(Tuckered pup after the bag pipe walk)

National grief awareness day

What a day!

Got back from the cottage late last night so I had laundry and packing to do this morning so we were ready when Oma came to pick us up (ie not ready at all).

Didn't help that Mr Bo (our pup) was totally acting out!! He was trying to play far too rough with Caleb and left quite a mark on his arm. Poor guy :( I wish we could get Bo to stop biting :( :(

Finally got to Mom's and got down to business, cookies, cake, pasta salad, canning, pickling - the works!!!

Did I mention BIG C forfeited any kind of nap today?? Although he was quite well behaved and played quite nicely. 

The cookies and salad are for lunch after the memorial service for sweet Baby A tomorrow (which are SURE to be rough!!). I truly hope people take even just a little time out of their day to join is for the service. 

I also just found out today was national grief awareness day. I found so many amazing quotes on Instagram, so inspiring!!

I got a little side tracked checking out other profiles and found this;
Such a great post. I know the kind of pain I was in after both boys, I CANNNOT imagine 
Knowing you have to endure such pain and the end result is a beautiful, but sleeping, baby seems unimaginable to me. 
Knowing the pain you will be in after you leave the hospital with no little babe to care for to ease the pain and make it worthwhile, it's makes me cry just thinking of it. 
Brave are we all to try and start a family. Naive are we who do so with such ease. 

For all you mommas (and daddies) that have had to endure such hardship, you have my utmost respect - in my opinion there is not much out there that is harder to do. 

Much love. 
Until we meet again.