Monday, 30 September 2013

For the Little Chef(s) in my Life!

I'm so excited about this post!! While the tap is still missing for this awesome project (still on the hunt for a free or nearly free one!) I can't wait any longer to show you!!

I already posted a photo of it to my personal Facebook, and I can't wait to share with Pinterest, as well as e-mail Amy from Giggleberry Creations!!

How our $20 used TV unit (thanks to a man on Kijiji!!) started out.

Our Giggleberry Creations inspiration kitchen.

Here is where we left off.

The finished product!! I am so excited about this and so crazy proud of this little kitchen. I hope I've built it well enough to stand the test of time (and multiple kids)!

Soon after the doors were on I realized chains on the doors was a must have! BIG C got a little rough with them really fast! Same goes for the microwave, although not a chain but a door stop to keep BIG C from pushing the door all the way in and popping the hinges off (nothing a little crazy glue can't help!)

I found this awesome apron on a whim at Talize, a used thrift store in London. There were some really adorable frilly ones (which would not get Daddy approval), luckily I found one fit for the boys. I even found a really cute mini Kids Corner Home Depot for the boy's little tikes work bench.

The knobs really turn! The burners are just made out of painted foam circles. On GiggleBerry Creations they used coasters.


I was going to use a photo of our corn field for the 'window' but I couldn't help but use this photo of our little guys. We should've had twins! I love dressing them in matching outfits!

This is BIG C's stash in his 'fridge'. the fruits and veggies are plush toys from IKEA, if memory serves me correctly each set was less than $10. I am so looking forward to 'furnishing' the rest of their kitchen with IKEA goodies! They have a really cute mini set of pots and pans and a plush filleted fish.

I hope you all enjoyed my craftiness, and I really hope it inspires you all to find an old TV unit of yourselves!

Thanks for checking it out!

Until we meet again.

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