Monday, 14 October 2013

Go Fly A Kite!

Let's go fly a kite, up to the highest height!!
Oh Mary Poppins, she really was wonderful wasn't she?

Saturday was Kite Flying day in our local town, put on by the Early Years group in North Perth. Unfortunately we missed it because we were in Hilton Falls Conservation Area for the day biking, just O, T and I and the boys of course.

I made sure to make a kite this week with BIG C though, now we just have to wait for a good windy day and see if this baby will fly!

I followed the instructions on this site, although I adjusted the dowel lengths because I was using leftovers from the play kitchen I made for the boys (which BIG C is having a blast with, especially since V got him some awesome toys for it!!).

All the Colours of the Wind

Disney Flashback! (Pocahontas if you didn't know.)

This is a beautiful season, and I have come to realize in the last couple weeks it truly is my favourite. The weather is gorgeous, bright sunny says, warm and not hot temperatures. The gorgeous sunsets, all be they a bit early for my liking, and the colours, oh the colours!!

I am so crazy proud of this photo. This is my husband combining our soybeans last week as the sun was setting. Did I mention gorgeous sunsets?

Friday, 11 October 2013

Support for Boobies & Babies

I was like most women, most anyone really. I knew there was a possibility my babies may not make it full term and get to share their growing days with me in my arms. I was so naïve about it though, that would never happen to me - and it didn't, but it really could have.

Now that some of my best friends, V & M, have lost their sweet baby A the reality has come up and smacked me in the face.

What if our boys weren't here?!?!?! What if we weren't so blessed to easily conceive our sweet boys?!?!

We have hard days, but we truly are blessed - even though I need to consciously remind myself of that some days. Gosh if I could only catch a glimpse of our life 25-30 years from now to know we made it through!

The reality is so real though. We don't need to be filled with fear while pregnant, but Doctors need to do a better job presenting the fact, whether we are young, old, healthy, have complications. Anything can happen.

1 in 4.   

1 in 4!!!!

1 in 4!!!!!! That's how many babies die, before during or after birth.

October is breast cancer awareness month. Everyone knows that. Every business, person, and sport is flooded with pink in October. Even those tough guys in the NFL are decked out in pink.

Did you know that October is also pregnancy and infant loss awareness month?
I didn't.
Not until this October.

So think blue & pink this October.
Credit goes to Ashley Gorlick for this edited image. You can find her on Pinterest by the same name and Instagram - @amgorlick
I can't say I am full of answers;
                       How can we make babyloss less taboo?
                       How can we promote October as pregnancy and infant loss as widely as breast cancer?
                       How can we let women (and men!) be more aware of the possibility of becoming the 
                       1 in 4?
But I CAN say I want to be a part of the change! I think you should be too. Yes YOU!
Take a moment. Share this photo. Think of the boobies AND the babies this October. Let your support be know.
For all you know someone close to you, or just an acquaintance, will be so moved you thought about their baby.
Go on, share it - it will feel good, and do good.
Until we meet again.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Tutu How To

I was so looking forward to taking pictures as we made our tutus during our tutu-making party, but we were not able to get back together before the big day. Instead our tutu making turned into a cram session before a big test!
We barely got them done, got our race bibs on and piled in the car (with S in the trunk!) and got to the starting line somewhere near the beginning of the race in time to not miss it completely!

So here is my tutu tutorial

Sunday, 6 October 2013

We made it!!!

Today was the colour me rad 5k in Kitchener. Such an awesome time!!

We started out nearly missing the event entirely! We were making our tutus (very last minute) and nearly missed the last heat! V's momma was ever so kind to drive us and we hopped out in traffic at a red light (got S out of the trunk!) while the guys in the car behind us laughed historically, and we ran for town hall. We made it about a block and met up with the last pack of runners and we cut in - phew!! 
Late & cutting it close - story of my life!!

So we ran through the colours, pink, orange, yellow, blue, green, purple. Some powder, some liquid. There where puffs of colour clouds at each colour station. It was such a blast, and V and I even ran the ENTIRE thing, in about 35 min!

I highly recommend this as a fist 5k race for anyone, you're so focused on the fun you practically forget you're running!!

Can't wait to do it again! 
Maybe I may even try working up to 10k!

Just before the finish line in our homemade tutu!!