Monday 9 September 2013

Generation Pinterest

Oh Pinterest, how I love you!!

You are filled with ideas, tasty and smart, crafts, funny pictures, kids games, cleaning tips, thrifty tips. You have it all!! Except that I still need to do it - is there an App for that?

It been a few months since I've been on Pinterest, probably even since before Little C was born (nearly 6 months now!! YIKES), but I've rediscovered it again. I was browsing my Kiddie-DIY-Craft board, there are so many fun things to do with the boys. We really should try more of them!

So here I vow, next bath-time we are using bath paints, the ones I found here!

Crafty Soccer Mom's Bath paints - I love the brightness!!

I feel like sometimes we Mommas can get a bit judge-y (more of ourselves than anything) if we're not filling our Pinterest boards with To-Dos. Be a better cook, have a cleaner house, DIY everything in sight, have genius children who love to craft and play with home-made toys. Its so exhausting - yet here I am pinning.

I used Pinterest to help plan our wedding, which for those friends who married before me find unfair! They feel entitled to a wedding do-over :)
Why not, I could go for another party! Just not another one like Saturday night  (The Dog that bit me!) I think I still felt the after effects of that one today!

Pinterest may be my demise, but until then come and check out my boards, or at least my board for the Kiddos.

Until we meet again.

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